School Policies

We believe that all of our policies reflect the ethos of Wren’s Nest and we regularly review, consult and update our policies with staff, governors and parents. Your opinions matter to us! If you would like to comment upon any of our policies, please contact us on 01384 818515 or call into see us. Thank you

For links to our policies in PDF format, please see below:-

Aims of our school

Accessibility audit 2021

Accessibility plan 2021-2024

Admissions policy September 2022 and Primary Admissions Guidance

Dudley MBC Primary Admissions webpage

Dudley MBC Secondary Admissions webpage

Antibullying policy 2023

Anti-Fraud and Corruption Strategy

Attendance policy 2023-24
Working together to improve school attendance

Behaviour policy 2023

Behaviour Principles statement 2023

Bereavement policy 2023

Charging and Remissions policy 2023-2024

Child Protection policy – September 2023
Child Protection policy 2023 – Child Friendly
Online Safety policy 2023
Safeguarding Procedures leaflet 2023

Children in Care policy 2023

Collective Worship policy 2023

Complaints policy 2022

Curriculum policy 2023

Development of Spoken Language policy 2023

Early Years Foundation Stage policy 2023

GDPR policies:

Data Retention policy
Freedom of Information policy
Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
Information and Cyber Security policy
Data Protection Impact Assessment (RM Integris)
Privacy Notice 2023-2024 Pupils
Privacy Notice 2023-2024 Governors and Volunteers
Privacy Notice 2023-2024 Recruitment
Privacy Notice 2023-2024 School Workforce

Intimate Care policy 2023

Learning to Read policy 2023

Literacy and Language policy 2023

Marking policy 2023

Mathematics policy September 2023

Mathematics – Times Tables policy September 2023

Medical Needs policy September 2023

Parent Partnership policy 2023

PSHE policy 2023

Relationship and Sex Education policy 2023
Sex Education statement 2023

Restraint policy 2023

Science Policy 2023

Science Vision and Principles

SEND Policy 2023-2024
Pod Statement 2023
Shooting Stars Statement 2023

Single Equality policy, objectives and action plan 2021-2024

Sun Protection Policy 2023

Sun Safe Certificate

Smoke Free policy

Uniform Policy 2023

Whistleblowing policy 2022