
The Governing Body is a group of people who are involved in making decisions and planning the future of the school. Our Governing Body consists of people who represent parents and children at the school (parent governors), teachers (teacher governors), other staff at the school (staff governors), and the Local Authority (LA governors) and Community Governors.

Click the table below if you would like to view a full-sized version.

Governors work on a voluntary basis, i.e. Governors are not paid for their duties. Governors attend training sessions to prepare them for their role. Governing Bodies have many responsibilities and they need to make decisions about how these should be carried out.

To view a full list of our Governors CLICK HERE.

Some of the work is involved, so governors specialise in certain topics, such as Literacy, Numeracy, Special Needs and Computing. These governors are called Link Governors. It is often necessary to spend more time than we have at the regular Governor meeting to discuss policies, budgets or reports.

This work is delegated to several committees, for example:-

The Curriculum & Standards Committee

Remit – Curriculum and Standards Committee
This committee reviews and monitors the curriculum and the learning and progress that children make. They review and develop policies linked to teaching and learning
that have been drafted by the teaching staff and the Head teacher.

The Finance & Premises Committee

Remit – Finance and Premises Committee
This committee makes decisions about the school budget, and monitors the spending in the school. The committee also reviews the school buildings and grounds and is responsible for ensuring the school site is safe and that it presents an exciting and pleasant learning environment.

The Personnel Committee

Remit – Personnel Committee
This committee deals with staffing issues within the school, including reviewing job descriptions and recruiting new staff.

Contacting a School Governor

There are several ways you can contact a governor:

Drop a note in the school office and staff will hand it to a Governor;

Speak directly to the chair, Mrs J Snow – she can be contacted through the School Office;

Speak to other Governors in the playground when they are bringing or collecting their children.

If you are interested in becoming a governor then please do let us know. Either see Mrs Parkes, Mrs Snow the Chair of Governors or one of the parent governors.

CLICK HERE for a link to the Department for Education Governors page.