Community Links

At Wren’s Nest we are proud to have very strong links with the community. We actively work with many services to ensure that our children and families receive the best possible help, support and advice and welcome positive links with the local, regional and national community wherever possible.

West Midlands Police

Dudley Children’s Centres

Dudley MBC Housing

Dudley Leisure Centre

Citizen’s Advice

Black Country Women’s Aid

Eve Lane Church

Dudley Central Mosque

Sri Guru Nanak Singh Sabha Gurdwara

We are voucher holders for Black Country Food Bank – if you require any more information, please speak to Mrs J Smith

Local Secondary Schools

St. James Academy

Beacon Hill Academy

Ellowes Hall Secondary School

Bishop Milner RC Secondary School

The Dormston School

Wren’s Nest is fully committed to encouraging and promoting positive links with the Community.