As a school, we do our utmost to develop a partnership with parents and value the relationship between
school and home. We work with the community to drive the school forward and ensure the children in our care are the very best that they can be. You and your child/ren play an important role in making our school successful.
For our children to gain the greatest benefit from their education it is vital that they attend regularly. We
expect your child to be at school, on time, every day, unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable. It
is important that you make sure that your child attends school every day that school is open.
“Attendance is everyone’s business” (DFE 2022)
At Wren’s Nest Primary School, we Aim for 96% Attendance and above.
This means that your child has no more than 7 school days absence in the whole academic year.
Attendance Newsletter September 2024
Since September 2013, schools cannot authorise any holiday taken during term time. This is a directive to all schools following Government Legislation (The Government made an amendment to the Education Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 in September 2013 to reflect this.)
Only in exceptional circumstances will the Headteacher be able to authorise a leave of absence from school. School requests that any parent who still takes their child out of school for a holiday complete a
‘Notification of Leave Form’ – see Appendix C. School will not then be unnecessarily concerned when a child is not present in school for a period of time.
The ‘Notification of Leave’ forms are available from the school office. Any unauthorised absence accrued due to holidays or for any other reason can result in referral to Dudley Local Authority, Education Support Service and could have legal consequences.
Unlike the majority of schools, Wren’s Nest Primary School has taken the decision not to automatically issue Penalty Fines for those taking holiday as we understand the importance of enriching a child’s experiences. If you wish to take a holiday during term time, PLEASE attach it to an already existing, planned school holiday (e.g. Half Term breaks). You must also make sure that your child attends school
every day they can during the school year. Each case will be reviewed as part of the child’s overall attendance, and if necessary, further referral action to proceed to fine will be taken.
Referrals will be made for holidays if attendance is low or if we have not been notified that the child is going on holiday, and we do not know their whereabouts. Referrals may also be made for those taking more than one holiday during a year.
We think we have a fair and reasonable policy towards holidays in term time, but this does depend on parents also being fair and reasonable with the school.
Codes used in the register: On any occasion that school denies a request for leave in term time, should parent/carer proceed with the leave, it will be recorded as a (G) (family holiday not agreed or in excess of agreement), on schools register. Failure to notify and/or request Leave of Absence in term time, without providing at least 5-day notice will result in all absence being recorded as (O) (unauthorised absence not covered by any other description).
We encourage all children to come to school every day. Good attendance is really important, if children are not in school, then they do not have the chance to learn.
Head teachers are no longer allowed to authorise any time taken off school for holidays unless there are exceptional circumstances.
From September 1st 2013, any holiday taken during term time will be recorded on school registers as unauthorised absence. If you do take your child on holiday please be aware that the days absent from school will be added to any other unauthorised absence occurring during the year.
All children take part in the “Wise Up to Good Attendance” programme and have the chance to earn bronze, silver and gold attendance badges. Good attendance is celebrated with special assemblies each term and parents come into school to join the children for the presentation, which is followed by coffee and cakes.
We also award special prizes for the children who come to school every day (100%) each term.