Pupil Parliament

A Pupil Parliament is group of children who are elected to represent the views of all pupils and to improve their school.

The Pupil Parliament meets to discuss ideas to improve the school.

This might include ideas for fundraising, improving playtimes, helping Mrs Parkes to make decisions about resources to buy for the classes.

What sort of person would make a good Parliament representative?

• They need to be able to listen to the views of others.

• They need to be able to put these views together to make a class view.

• Then they need to be able to explain that view to the rest of the council.

• They need to be able to listen to the views of others.

• They need to be able to put these views together to make a class view.

• Then they need to be able to explain that view to the rest of the council.

So a good LISTENER, THINKER and a good SPEAKER!

Keep an eye out for updates from our Pupil Parliament in:

Click on the image below to meet our Parliamentary Ministers