Sunflowers – 2021 Literacy

Vocabulary Ninja Mini Games


Reading and Writing CVC words


Fred Game
“n” recap
“f” recap and write
“r” recap and write
“l” consolidate and apply
Phonics Game: 1
“p” recap
“e” recap and write
“j” recap and write
“h” consolidate and apply
“t” consolidate and apply
“i” recap
“l” recap and write
“f” consolidate and apply
“r” consolidate and apply
Reading “b”
“o” recap
“h” recap and write
“e” consolidate and apply
“j” consolidate and apply


Winne and Wilbur, Happy Birthday Winnie
Little Unicorns Learn to Dance
Dad and Beth Clean Up
The Ghost Train
Percy the Park Keeper, Owl Takes Charge
Be Gentle
Six Dinner Sid
Room on the Broom
The Rhyming Rabbit
Kitten’s Day Out
Little White Owl
The Dancing Tiger
Sharing a Shell
Kipper’s Toybox
It could have been worse